
What Does Rust on the Base of Your Water Heater Mean?

What Does Rust on the Base of Your Water Heater Mean?Water heaters aren’t designed to last forever. With 24- hour usage from sinks, showers, laundry, and other sources, hot water heaters break down over time, meaning that water heater maintenance is unavoidable. One of the most common issues affecting water heaters is rust. Below are some of the common causes of rust and how to avoid them so you can keep your water heater in top shape.

What Causes Rust on the Base of a Water Heater?

1. Exterior Rust from Flooding

If your system has been subjected to standing water for any length of time then it will quickly accelerate water heater rust. Places such as a basement are most likely to flood, meaning that if it rains heavily you should check your water heater location to make sure nothing has gone wrong.

2. Failing Anode Rod

An anode rod fits inside of the water tank and essentially rusts so that the water heater doesn’t. It should be replaced yearly to prevent the tank from rusting instead of the anode rod.

3. Corrosion on the Tank’s Interior Lining

Sediments can build up over time and settle on the bottom of your water tank. If not flushed periodically the sediment causes the tank to corrode. How often you should flush the tank depends on the number of people in your household and how often it’s used.

How to Avoid a Rusty Water Heater

1. Don’t keep your water heater past its lifespan.

Water heaters don’t last forever. Even when properly maintained a water heater lasts around 10 years. Call a professional and schedule an inspection to help you determine when it’s time to replace it if you’re not sure. It may seem tempting to abuse your old one a bit more and put off replacing your water heater, however; failure to replace it in a timely manner can result in no hot water or a tank leak.

2. Repair or replace your water heater’s anode rod annually.

As mentioned before an anode rod helps prevent rust by taking on the rust itself. This means that it will deteriorate fast so replace it often. In general, you can avoid water heater rust by replacing your anode rod once a year.

3. Flush accumulated sediment from the tank to prevent corrosion.

Likewise, you should also be flushing your tank. You should flush depending on your tanks usage, for example, you’ll need to flush it out more if you have a household of four people rather than one.

4. Install a water softening system.

If your home uses well water or your water is full of minerals, then consider installing a water softening system to help filter out any damaging particles that cause corrosion. Reducing the minerals present in your water is a sure way to help reduce your water heaters the need for repairs.

5. Never allow your tank to rest in standing water.

Much like anything you leave in water for an extended period of time, your water heater will begin to break down if not paid attention to during a flood or a leak. The outside will quickly rust if left in standing water so be mindful of anything that may cause that to happen and work quickly to clean up any stray water whenever it shows up.

Looking for a Professional?

ABE Heating and Cooling offer great products with iron-clad warranties and superior installation services, all at manageable prices suitable for any budget. We are located in Brighton, Colorado, and serve the entire Denver Metro Area, and if you would like to learn more about high-efficiency furnaces please contact us today to discuss the possibilities.