
How to Prep Your HVAC System for Severe Weather

How to Prep Your HVAC System for Severe WeatherColorado is no stranger to severe weather, but many Coloradans don’t think about the significant damage their HVAC systems could incur during snowstorms, blizzards, and other severe weather events.

Don’t worry. The good news is that you can avoid this type of damage by taking a few proactive steps before the next storm arrives. Here are five things to do to get your HVAC system ready for severe weather.

Secure and Cover It

Severe weather often brings intensive winds. Sometimes, these winds will be strong enough to rip your HVAC system off the ground. You can avoid that fate for your system by securing it to the ground as best you can.

It’s also a good idea to either wrap your system in a tarp or find a cover for it. This will prevent unwanted debris from getting into your HVAC system and causing damage.

Use a Surge Protector

When serious weather events occur, they can wreak havoc on local power grids. This can lead to momentary surges in electricity that could cause your unit to short circuit or worse. Using a surge protector with your HVAC unit will help you avoid this problem.

Consider Turning It Off

If you know that your home is about to be hit by the worst of the storm, then you may want to turn off your system until it passes. Severe weather can create power issues that confuse HVAC units, causing them to turn off and on repeatedly, which can lead to lasting damage.

If you need to use your HVAC to keep your family comfortable during the storm, you can skip this step and hope for the best. But if you can manage without it, then turning your unit off is the safest option.

Clear the Surrounding Area

Falling tree branches, outdoor furniture, children’s toys, and other debris lying around your HVAC system can all cause damage to the system in a severe weather event. If you clear the surrounding area before the storm arrives, the potential for damage will be much lower.

Have It Inspected

Some types of HVAC damage are immediately obvious. But others may be impossible to see with the naked eye, such as damaging debris getting into the heart of the system.

If you continue running your HVAC unit with this type of unseen damage, it could lead to lasting harm. That’s why it’s always a good idea to have your HVAC unit inspected after a big storm.

Doing so will bring you peace of mind, allowing you to continue using your HVAC system as normal without having to worry about it.

ABE Has Your Next Inspection Covered

Is your HVAC system ready for an inspection? If so, ABE Heating and Cooling has you covered. We are located in Brighton, Colorado, and serve the entire Denver Metro Area.

Get in touch to learn more about how we can help.